Doctoral Project
The Anthropocene and Visual Culture: Material Strategies in Art and Architecture

Doctoral Project
Helene Romakin

The dis­ser­ta­tion in­ves­ti­gates vi­sual cul­ture and ma­te­ri­al­ity in con­tem­po­rary art in the con­text of dis­course sur­round­ing the An­thro­pocene. Tak­ing it as a lens, through which ma­te­r­ial strate­gies are an­a­lyzed, the pro­ject fol­lows the shift in the cul­tural un­der­stand­ing of na­ture from the sub­lime and re­mote oth­er­ness to­wards an in­ter­de­pen­dent eco­log­i­cal sys­tem with human and non-hu­man ac­tors. Par­tic­u­larly, by ex­plor­ing the no­tion of ma­te­ri­al­ity in vi­sual cul­ture this pro­ject ex­am­ines how this par­a­dig­matic turn is il­lus­trated and dealt with in artis­tic prac­tices and strate­gies in re­cent years.
The pro­ject ar­gues that an ex­panded de­f­i­n­i­tion of ma­te­ri­al­ity has evolved as an im­ma­nent aes­thetic strat­egy in the vi­sual cul­ture of the An­thro­pocene. This new ma­te­r­ial aes­thet­ics has oc­curred through the in­creas­ing en­vi­ron­men­tal con­scious­ness in­formed by the ad­vance­ment of re­search in dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines from nat­ural sci­ences and hu­man­i­ties, while of­fer­ing tools to en­gage with the en­vi­ron­ment be­yond po­lit­i­cally mo­ti­vated ac­tivism and the idea of au­tonomous aes­thet­ics. The con­text of this new ma­te­r­ial aes­thet­ics will be an­a­lyzed in this pro­ject through case stud­ies by the artists Lara Al­marcegui and Pierre Huyghe.

PhD sup­ported by SNF, 1st su­per­vi­sor: Prof. Dr. Philip Ur­sprung, Chair for the His­tory of Art and Ar­chi­tec­ture, In­sti­tute for the His­tory and The­ory of the Ar­chi­tec­ture, ETH Zurich


Helene Romakin