
Seminar Spezialfragen zur Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte (051-0784)
Veranstalter: Professur Ursprung
Dozierende: Berit Seidel & Tim Klauser
Zeit: Freitags 15-17
Ort: HIL D10.2 (ETH Hönggerberg)


Genaue Zeiten und Treffpunkt wird jeweils 1 Tag vor dem Seminar bekanntgegeben.


2. März

Selfempowerment: Erforschung der Welt die noch nicht medial aufbereitet ist, selbstständiges erforschen, Walking, Feldforschen, direkt vor Ort sein, Dirty Reality,
Literature: Mussotter Vöckler Vonderhof: Ridin`Low: Architektur tieferlegen
Featuring: Stalker
Action: Walking, MOVIE Stalker by Tarkovsky and Spaghetti 7pm, at XOX, Flüelastrasse 6, Zürich

16. März

Live Übertragung, Public Viewing, Messaging, Facerecognition, Television, Newsfeed
Literature: Nicolas Bourriaud: Postproduction: How Art Programs the World.
Featuring: Martin Kunz (U5)
Action: Camera Set Up, Interface, Screentime
Architecture: Smartphone, Alexa, Smart Home

MEET 15h Studio Arno Brandlhuber, HIL G57, ETH Hönggerberg
+++ VERNISSAGE BASEL SCHAULAGER: Retrospektive Bruce Naumann
HB ZH 16:34 - BASEL SBB +++

Nauman on Mapping the Studio II

Mapping the Studio II with color shift, flip, flop, & flip/flop (Fat Chance John Cage) 2001 takes the artist’s studio as its subject. As Nauman explains, he had recently finished two large commissions which were the culmination of a train of thought, and was getting frustrated in the studio as he did not have any interesting new ideas to work on. He began to think about using items that had been left in the studio from previous projects, and then noticed that the cat, who also lived in the studio, was currently struggling to keep up with all the field mice that had been appearing. Taking this as an intrinsic part of studio activity, Nauman decided to film whatever was happening in the studio. He set up the camera in seven places he knew were highly travelled by the mice.
"You want to do something… So out of desperation you finally do something, anything – it doesn’t matter if it’s a good idea or a bad idea, you just have to do something. There’s a degree of anxiety and frustration that is a motivator to stop worrying about whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea and just do it." - Bruce Nauman, in interview, 4 October 2004

13. April

Fussball Stadion, Präsenz, Physis, Experience Economy, Unplugged, Museums- und Galerieraum, Showroom, Architecture
Literatur: Gumbrecht: Präsenz, Pine & Gillmore: Experience Economy
Featuring: Anders Guggisberger
Action: Stadionbesuch, Play,
Architecture: Stadium, Cathedrale, Museum, Mall, Galerie König

27. April

Ästhethik der Liveübertragung: Wackelkamera, Bilddetails die den Realitätsgrad steigern, Bild auflösen zur Realität hin, Blairwhichproject, Strange Days, Embedded Journalism,
Literature: Hito Steyerl: Dokumentarismus als Politik der Wahrheit, Bruce Nauman: Interviews, Claire Johnston: Women`s Cinema as Counter Cinema
Featuring: Bettina Aremu
Action: Intervision,Supervision
Architecture: Big Brother Container, Dschungel Camp, Street

3.-4. Mai NIGHT WALK

Improvisation, Delegation, Swingen, Free Jazz, Abstimmen
Literature: Christopher Dell: Die improvisierende Organisation
Featuring: Stalker
Action: Night Walk

18. Mai

Berghain, Tino Sehgal, Abramovic, Gerichtsreporter, U5, Performance, Widrich, T. Hall
Literature: Mechtihild Widrich: Performative Monuments, T.Hall: The Hidden Dimension
Action: Reinactment, Reflection
Architecture: Berghain, Museum

Videoaufzeichnung der Vorlesung MEDIEN!:


Berit Seidel
Tim Klauser