Grundlagen der Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur I (HS 22)

Vorlesung (052-0803-22)
Veranstalter: Professur Avermaete, Delbeke, Stalder und Ursprung
Dozierende: T. Avermaete, M. Delbeke, L. Stalder, P. Ursprung
Zeit: Freitag Nachmittag
Ort: HIL E4

Bild: Giovanni Battista Piranesi, details from De Romanorum magnificentia et architectura: Della magnificenza ed architettura de' Romani, 1761, ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 1311, public domain,

The aim of this course is to introduce first-year students to the topics and debates that currently shape the field of the history and theory of ar-chitecture, by means of a di-rect and hands-on engage-ment with the methods and materials of historical and theoretical enquiry.

Course Organization:

Student Groups 


30.09.2022: Links  & Graph Link

Zoom Link:

Course reader:

Course reader 

"Making Histories" Assignment:

"Making Histories" Assignment