FS25 Subject Semester True Stories

Spring Semester 2025 / Wednesdays, 10.00-13.00, Ämtli für Städtebau, Werdmühleplatze 6, 8001 Zürich / Thursdays, 10.00-13.00, Office of the Chair HIL D 63.1.

Enlarged view: Poster for the Subjectsemester True Stories
True Stories

The notion of truth as a basis of science and politics has lost ground in the recent past. The manipulation of facts, selective memory, censorship and control of knowledge are omnipresent in society. On the other hand, artistic freedom and scientific autonomy are under pressure. The freedom of imagination, speculation and experimentation is questioned. Architecture as a practice where the utopian and the factual, the concrete and the imagined meet, is suited to critically discuss and negotiate this situation. Our aim is to increase the knowledge and sensitivity of architecture students toward the history of art and architecture. [...] to make their voices heard and to develop new teaching formats for the history and theory of architecture. Students will learn to take position in a field, [...] They will practice argumentation and increase their writing skills.

Teaching Team:

Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung,
MFA. Joseph:ine Baan,
Dr. Paola De Martin,
Dr. Eric Häusler,
Dipl.-Ing. Tim Klauser.

Dr. Paola De Martin Altorfer
Lecturer at the Department of Architecture
  • HIL D 63

Professur f. Kunst- u. Arch.gesch.
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

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