(FS24) Class Matters: In Architecture, Art and Design

Thu 4pm -6pm / HIL E5 / 052-0843-23 L

Enlarged view: Poster for the Seminar Class Matters held by Paola De Martin

The focus of this seminar is the relationship between architecture and social class. Our inherited class affiliation shapes our social architecture: how we relate to one another in a historically developed, hierarchically structured space, how we perceive the built world, how we intervene in it through design, and how we judge sensuality and beauty—all of this is heavily pre-structured yet still leaves room for flexibility.

We cannot control the class we are born into, but we can understand, communicate, and perhaps even change the social reflexes and unconscious beliefs that arise from this circumstance. This seminar provides a sociological, historical, and aesthetic foundation for this exploration.

Class matters.

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