L’Etape des Pyrénées

  • Seminar Week (051-0911-19)
  • Organizer: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
  • Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, Prof. Dr. Alex Lehnerer
  • Time: -
  • Location: Pyrenees, France
L’Etape des Pyrénées Poster
L’Etape des Pyrénées Poster

The Pyrenees separate or connect the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of continental Europe. They also separate and connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. We will cross them from North to South, often walking. We will cross paths with pilgrims and smugglers, reenact a part of the Tour de France, see quicksilver mines and hot springs. In our pockets we will carry writings by Walter Benjamin who took his life fleeing the Germans in Portbou in September 1940. We will experience the terrain and reflect on paths and borders, past and present.

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