• Seminar Week (-)
  • Organizer: Professur für Kunst-​ und Architekturgeschichte
  • Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, Prof. A. Lehnerer
  • Time: 18.-22. March 2019
  • Location: Ireland
Ireland Seminar Week Poster
Ireland Seminar Week Poster

For the British Empire, «beyond the pale» meant something outside the fortifications of Dublin, something uncontrolled, uncertain and wild. As a continuation of our enquiry into limits, we will travel to the area between Ireland and Northern Ireland, a zone that soon will be the border of the European Union. A testing ground for new frontiers - the Irish emigration is essential for the formation of the United States – and an area of interminable religious, political and economic conflicts, Ireland is also a field of cultural projections. We will see towers of monasteries, follies of the British aristocracy, the ruins of the Millennium boom, the factories of the globalized economy and tell jokes in Limerick. And we will try to figure out why Joseph Beuys considered Ireland the center of Europe.

We will not visit Dublin.
Bring your wellyboots and be prepared for digging in turf.

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