Georgia - South of East

  • Seminarwoche (-)
  • Organisation: Professur für Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte
  • Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung, Prof. Dr. Alex Lehnerer
  • Zeit: 22-26 October 2018
  • Ort: Georgia, Caucasus

De­tail­lierte Beschreibung auf englischer Sprache.

Poster for the Seminarweek to Georgia
Poster for the Seminarweek to Georgia

This seminar week is the third part of our trilogy on places of projections and desires.

“Nevada” took us to Southern Spain, where the Spaghetti Westerns were shot at a time when Europe still desired to be like the United States. “Zurich – Texas” took us to the US-Mexican boarder and places where America wants to become like America again. And “Georgia – South of East” takes us to a young country in the Caucasian region of Eurasia that wishes to be like Europe. We will be based in the capital Tbilisi, following the traces of Socialism, mining, religion, wine-making and contemporary music. Our special guest is Professor Beate Fricke (University of Berne), an eminent scholar on Medieval art and connoisseur of Georgia.

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