History of Art and Architecture III

Lecture History of Art and Architecture III (051-0311-12)
Organizer: Chair of Prof. Ursprung
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Time: 12.45h - 15.30h
Location: HIL E3

The two-semester course offers an introduction to the history of modern and contemporary art and architecture. Based on current questions a variety of case studies are discussed.

The aim is to give an overview on crucial events, works of art, buildings and theories of modern and contemporary culture. The course should enhance the comprehension of historical and theoretical issues, and allow the students to localize their own practice within a broader historical context.

The two-semester course offers an introduction to the history of modern and contemporary art and architecture. Motivated by questions of the current discourse, central topics and themes are discussed. Themes such as “labor”, “fear”, or “beauty” are used to focus on various historical connections. Architecture is considered as a scene of cultural dynamics as well as an indicator of social, economic, and political conflicts. It is analyzed and depicted as an object, which facilitated the perception of historical change. The course "Lehrcanapé - Have a seat" (one hour) is part of the course and treats alternative methods of teaching and learning.


Further Information

HS11 Videoaufzeichnung der Vorlesung Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte III

Lehrcanapé Blog